Echocardiography Standard Protocol Clinical Training Course

The Best Week of Echocardiography Training You’ll Ever Spend Your Money On 

Cardiovascular sonographers are among the highest-paid medical specialists when considering the amount of time, they spend at work. Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to help others and reap the benefits by overcoming any obstacles in your way. 

Your trajectory will be altered permanently by our five days together. 

We’ll start the entire bedside echo technique in the first hour and thoroughly explain why each step is necessary. Cardiology and teaching experts with more than 10 years of combined experience are by your side in both class and perpetuity. 

Course Details

+ Day 1

You are skilled at using the long and short parasternal axes to precisely measure every structure. You’ll discover the quickest method to assess wall motion, which will cut months off your expertise curve. 

+ Day 2

You define each segment and its coronary blood flow, as well as the differences between LV and RV shape and function. Applying all measurements, we will evaluate the valves with color and spectral Doppler.

+ Day 3

Apical perspectives with emphasis on size, purpose, and possible mass/cloth in all chambers Simpson’s and TDI techniques for LV and RV operation. Complete Doppler acquisition procedure in perspectives of 4, 5, 2, and 3 chambers. In addition to the transthoracic views, subcostal and suprasternal techniques and clinical findings are also used. 

+ Day 4

Complete protocol execution. Emphasis on pericardial and effusion systematic examination and their clinical importance. 

+ Day 5

Continuing to follow the entire protocol. The method for detecting coronary artery disease complications as early as possible and Heart failure occurring in any situation. Application of all knowledge through discussion of case studies. 

Your course notes, which contain the knowledge you’ll need forever, contain a detailed explanation of each procedure, technique, concept, and more. You’ll have our unrestricted personal support after you go back home. 

For Course dates, Schedule and Availability

Call Us: 647 821 7443